Scottsdale - Stax Burger Bistro

Should you ever find yourself in Scottsdale, AZ and in the mood for burgers, I highly recommend going to Stax Burger Bistro. It is an elegant, fairly modern looking establishment that serves some killer food.

Granted, they're more like sliders than burgers, but that just means that you can try out a few different flavors for your meal, instead of just one. This is always a win in my book.

At the time, I believe I tried the Lamb, Buffalo and the Exotic of the day — which was Elk. And they were all rather delicious, if I may say.

Unfortunately, I don't recall what my friend had at the time, but I do recall that everything we tried was very tasty.

So, should you ever be in Scottsdale, give it a try.

- d.

Stax Burger Bistro
4400 N Scottsdale Rd
Scottsdale, AZ 85251

Slight delays

Dear readers (however few of you may be left), I deeply apologize for leaving this blog languishing the way it has.
I keep thinking of these great restaurants I go to that I'd love to share with the rest of you, and really have no excuse not to get on with my writing.
So, without further ado, here we go....

- d.